Stop and Shop Deals!
Went to Stop and Shop and got 10 Lunchables for free. They are on sale 2 for $6 and if you buy 5 you get $5 off instantly from Stop and Shop. But there is also a catalina from Kraft if you buy 10 you get $10 on your next order. AND in the free Stop and Shop savings booklets they have at the front of the store they have $1.00 off coupons, so I grabbed 10 of those.So 10 lunchables on sale = $30.00. Get $10.00 off instantly from S&S. = $20.00. Used 10 $1.00 coupons = $10.00 and I got a catalina printout for $10.00 off my next order = FREE! Yay for free stuff. Thanks to HTSFF for alerting me to this deal!
Also at S&S I had a bunch of Yoplait yogurt coupons to use. Two $0.40 off of 6 yoplait cups coupons, one $0.50 off of 2 yoplait greek yogurt, two coupons for up to $1.50 off of any yoplait cup, and two coupons for $0.35 off. So I got 14 cups of regular yogurt on sale @ $0.50 each, and 4 cups of greek yogurt on sale @ $1.00 each. Anyway here's how it turned out.
4 Greek yogurts = $4.00- two coupons at $1.29 each (they took off nonsale price for some reason - just realized this now) = $1.42- $1.00 from doubled coupon = $0.42.
14 regular yogurts = $7.00 - $1.60 from doubled 40 cent coupons = $5.40 - $1.40 from two doubled 35 cent coupons = $4.00
So total It was $4.42 for 18 yogurts. But even better, I didn't know it but I guess there is a catalina on yoplait too, because I got a $2.00 on your next order coupon. So that's like paying $2.42 for 18 yogurts which is about 13 cents per yogurt! So I'd say we did pretty well with that too!
Oh and I bought a big bag of tortilla chips for $2.50. Can't get everything with coupons! But I did get generic brand vs buying Tostitos, so at least I saved some money that way.