Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Free Desitin and free pacifiers!

Babies R Us/Toys R Us has a coupon out for 5 dollars to use in their stores. Last time they had this coupon out I used it to buy some Desitin which is $5.99 so it only cost me a dollar which is a good deal. But I read the coupon and realized it does not have any restriction on combining it with other offers like a lot of the Babies R Us coupons do.

Johnson & Johnson has a $1 dollar off coupon on their website  (I just got the regular Desitin in the blue box - not sure of the price on the others). So the Desitin was $5.99, minus the $1.00 coupon, then gave them the 5 dollar BRU coupon = FREE Desitin!

Also if you go to couponnetwork.com they have a coupon for $1.00 off a pack of Avent pacifiers. These are also $5.99 at Babies R Us. So doing the same thing, you can get FREE pacifiers.

My baby is not much of a pacifier girl - it's hit or miss - most of the time she'll refuse it, but every once in a while she'll be going crazy and I'll give her a pacifier and she falls right asleep. Anyway I happen to like the Avent pacifiers. 1) Because she will actually take them. and 2) Because they come with a cover which is great, especially if I want to bring one along with me in my diaper bag - don't have to worry about it getting dirty from whatever is inside my bag!

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